Iran Shuts 800+ Stores For Selling ‘Western’ Women’s Clothing
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Iran’s state TV says police have shut down more than 800 clothing stores across the country for selling “unconventional and inappropriate” attire — believed to mean Western-style outfits and women’s clothing that doesn’t meet strict Islamic requirements…
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Funny how western technology is good enough, but clothes are the devil.
The whole religion is backwards. Theocracy should never be an option
Thats beyond ridiculous. I can’t believe places like this still exist. Wow.
It’s there country! They can do what they want. We need to mind our own business!
“It’s there country! They can do what they want” !!!!! Hey Einstein then explain to me why are women prohibited form wearing whatever they want!
it’s because of people like you I’m slowly losing hope in humanity
@***** How’s the weather in Saudi Arabia?
It’s our business when this cancer is infecting western countries.
early so let me make a joke
Islam is the religion of peace
@Daniel Lööf Christians never label Christianity “the religion of peace” because they don’t have to rush to its defense when there’s another terrorist attack committed in the name of islam. The motivation behind most terrorist attacks sadly is islam. People are just to much of pussies to state that in fear of being called a racist.
+KamcorderRecords yes, some people do hideous crimes in the name of christianity as well, but it’s not “the religion of peace”…islam is by the majority of muslims (and others) called “the religion of peace”, it’s not often I’ve heard people say the same thing about christianity, not even christians says that. But again, religious books overall is not a good guideline for peace
+jpolka24 Kyle just covered a story about a woman who murdered her daughter because she was “possessed”. And woman who beat her son with a hanger. AND in the South people say they have an excuse to grossly neglect their kids to the point that they die, and say, you can’t arrest me because *muh religious freedom”
+jpolka24 Actually they do, though maybe not in America but in other parts of the world.
+XXtoby233 never I don’t see Christians killing people in the name of their God or doing honor killings because “their religion says it’s ok”. Lmao
The Islamic Republic of Iran is a killer of innocence, beauty and love and an advocate of backwardness, oppression and fear.
western feminist please explain how you’re oppressed lol
Ex-boyfriends accusing their ex of receiving positive coverage because they are in a relationship with the journalist.
Billboards showing the villain of a movie choking a female main character.
Video Games where you can kill, abuse and treat women like objects of lust.
Plz don’t shoot me, I’m being sarcastic. 😛
At least Satan doesn’t care what I wear 😛
This hurt my atheist attack helicopter feelings.
When will society learn to respect your phantom propellers.
You just used the “It’s the current year, GUYS! COME ON!” argument at the end, disappointed.
there certainly is unreasonable and stupid ways to use it but in the right context and backed by facts, the phrase can be used well
@***** It can be used for any argument. Including the SJW and Tumblr genders one. Like so: It’s 2016! We should believe that I’m a genderqueer vagisexual!
It shouldn’t be used in an argument, people used it in 2015 and they use it in 2016. It doesn’t make the argument any more valid.
Arabs have invented time machine, they called it Islam.
+qasim jebran no
Persians are Arabs?
+The Progressive Capitalist which makes modern Islam all that more saddening.
Sadly the design was flawed and you can only go backwards.
If CIA only knew what chaos they’d be unleashing down the line when they staged the coup in 1953.
+Freely Liberal all Iranians didn’t revolt. Only communists. Now instead of Iran becoming communist, the revolution was hacked by Islamists.
+vick3d He was talking about overthrowing Mossedegh dumbass. Khoemeni played on that populist anger after Debbie Wass…I mean the CIA and the Shah cheated Mossedegh out of his position as prime minister.
+vick3d Being CIA puppet is way better then sovereign key regional player. Got it xD
They still would’ve done it. For them 20 years of cheap oil is better than 0 years.
“you have to accept logic” NO WE DON’T. LALALALALA
I can’t wait until the young Iranians rise up.
When you see them on the streets shouting DEATH TO AMERICA , most of them seem to be young , so what’s your point? I see no improvement either way.
No, Iran is doing the same thing they did for the last 30 years.
So sad 😢
there should be a national law that can break “religion” laws!!
I really appreciate that you care about our people, and the way you know what exactly going on in here is amazing, thank you, have you seen those videos about rabbles and thugs in Iran some years ago the videos that shows how police beating them in streets ? do you know where are they now? those rabbles are in government service now, they work for municipal administration, government gives them money to silence people
“Western” could also be blue jeans for men.
I still think religion is the worst thing in the world.