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7 Tricky Ways The Women’s Clothing Industry Is Scamming You

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The women's clothing industry is a racket like no other.

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    1. Introverted Gal

      And by the way, even jeans that (most of the time) have pockets can’t even FIT YOUR PHONE HALF THE TIME UNLESS YOU PUT IT IN YOUR BUTT POCKET. Only for your phone to fall into the toilet so you have to buy a new one😡

    1. Smegley Munroe

      Juci Shockwave I totally agree. In my opinion, women’s fashion is designed for a totally unrealistic standard of body proportions, which just shakes most women who aren’t like that

      Ps: I’m a dude, and can’t speak to the female experience. Plz tell me if you took issue with anything I said

  1. Marilyn Addams

    When I was studying fashion design (literally the biggest waste of my time) they actually went out of their way to teach us how to copy other people’s work, forced us to use the thinnest fabric possible in all of our projects, and basically taught us how to survive in the fast fashion industry (Forever 21, Zara, pretty much anything that’s made super cheap that you can buy for $10 and wear only once before the seams rip in a way that even professional tailors can’t fix). If we wanted to learn how to make quality stuff like the things you would see on the runway at fashion week we had to get a minor in either high fashion or costume design, neither of which were offered as their own separate major even though they very well could have been. And when it came to teaching us about the sizing, all they said was to just follow whatever size chart they have for the brand you work for which changes based on season, garment, and even design. Our dress forms all said size 8 even though some were half the size of others. I’ve seen the seedy underbelly of the fashion industry first hand and it literally drove me insane and almost landed me in the hospital. And on top of all this other crap, I worked in retail at a store which you wouldn’t think of as being a fast fashion brand but it is. The parent company of the brand I worked for treats it’s sales people like garbage by refusing to allow us to work full time unless you’re the manager or assistant manager (so they don’t have to give us health insurance or other benefits) and hardly paying us more than whatever the minimum wage is in your state. But hey, we get 40% off the clothes so it’s gotta be worth it! Right? NOPE!

    1. cupcakesimulation

      I liked carrying around my little backpack (because it was a niffler from Harry Potter) because I always liked to carry a book with me plus I have a bad habit of being over prepared when I take “lengthy” trips, but I’ve recently converted to just using a fanny pack. Small, doesn’t get in the way and can hold everything I really need like cards, cash, phone, charger, and emergency lady products.

    2. Annika

      yep. they don’t make decent size pockets for women so that we have to buy purses. my boyfriends jeans pockets can hold a lot of stuff but mine don’t even have room for my cellphone. and they are not even very skinny jeans.

    1. Recovering Soul

      You need to shop in the men’s department. Cargo pants rock, even “sporting” shirts from the same brand for men and women are completely different. Fabric may be the same, but tiny pockets on the women’s, the long sleeves come to mid forearm on me, and they are too short to tuck in. Give me the men’s shirt any day. I want real clothes. I can’t help if I’m tall and thin with narrow hips and long waisted. The only time I’ve been fat is when I was pregnant, or losing that weight.

    2. Smegley Munroe

      I’m a dude, and can’t speak to the female experience, but I am of the opinion that you should just wear cargo shorts. I think it’s a terrible thing that all clothes have become split along gender lines

    1. Rajita

      Solarat 1701  No, as a woman I agree. I actually a few years ago came across this real problem. I developed Fibromyalgia, which means my nerves are extremely sensitive, and it became too painful to wear a purse on my shoulder, doesn’t matter how light I made it. So I went searching for pants with pockets big enough to hold my phone, and preferably had some secure pockets for my keys and money, so something that had pockets that can zip or button. So my first thought, why not try the Kim Possible look and try to find some cargo pants? Well, I went to EVERY store in the 2 malls in my city. I found maybe 2 “cargo” pants in the women’s section. The most “usable” pockets I found on a single pair? 3. And none of them fit my phone. I thankfully ended up finding a single pair of kaprees that fit my purposes, though. And by a single pair, I mean that was literally the only pair in that store, and no one knew how it got there, they were thinking someone returned it there by mistake or something, but sold it to me for $30 anyways. So after that I searched the men’s section. And let me say. HOLY CRAP THEY HAVE POCKETS!!!!!!! The standard jeans pockets on mens clothes are easily 3x bigger than some of the biggest women’s pockets! I can fit my whole wallet into one and not have to worry about it falling out!!!!! But sadly, it looks like most men’s pants don’t come in my size. (I’m 5’2″.) I may try looking in boy’s section soon, though. But also, MEN’S CLOTHING SIZES MAKE SENSE!!!!!!! The numbers are ACTUAL INCHES!!!!! Not ArBiTrARy SizE 0 or XS or XXXL. WHY DON”T WOMEN USE THESE SIZES?!?!?!?! It would make shopping 10000x easier, and we could ACTUALLY SHOP ONLINE!!!

    2. Smegley Munroe

      I really with cargo shorts could just be unisex. It’s terrible how the clothing industry has become split along gender lines

      Ps: I’m a dude, and can’t speak to the female experience. Plz tell me if you took issue with anything I said

  2. Dani

    I’ve been shopping men’s stuff for a while. The deodorant is cheaper and lasts longer, the blades are better, I can find a real t-shirt to sleep and work out in for $5. Same shirt costs $10-$12 in the women’s section and is somehow thinner and shorter. Shame

    1. Jo

      Ladies may I have minute here! I have started to visit men’s section on the store and sales men gives this snooty look, like what are you doing here! One of them was so tired of giving me the looks that he walked up to me and said ” Mam, these are for men, if you noticed.” Yes I did, I said. And went on picking shirts and shorts from there. He got pissed, so much so that he followed me till billing and the billing guy said “ah, these are for your boyfriend”. I was like “yeah”. And then he was like but these are too small. Such a scene they created. I requested them to hurry up the billing and stop giving me suggestions. They were so hurt or confused or angry that am not shopping from women’s “section”. O honestly I couldn’t care less.

    2. Jo

      Ladies may I have minute here! I have started to visit men’s section on the store and sales men gives this snooty look, like what are you doing here! One of them was so tired of giving me the looks that he walked up to me and said ” Mam, these are for men, if you noticed.” Yes I did, I said. And went on picking shirts and shorts from there. He got pissed, so much so that he followed me till billing and the billing guy said “ah, these are for your boyfriend”. I was like “yeah”. And then he was like but these are too small. Such a scene they created. I requested them to hurry up the billing and stop giving me suggestions. They were so hurt or confused or angry that am not shopping from women’s “section”. O honestly I couldn’t care less.

    1. Bardo Espinosa

      The market should decide what is sold, as a man i mus tell you, if my usual jeans brand came up with less durable fabrics and smaller pockets i would just stop buying from them, women let this happen.

  3. Frizen

    I hate this and it’s so true.
    Girl: Can you put this in your pocket?
    Me: Why don’t you put it in your own pockets?
    Girl: They’re not real
    Me: Dafuq you mean they aren’t real?
    Girl: They’re for design
    Me: (Facepalm)

    1. Kardinaalilintu

      @Smegley Munroe The design should totaly NOT be gender devided, agreed! But model of the pants need to be tailored for men and women separately… I mean…. have you seen the difference in hips, thighs and butts between the sexes? Sure, there are plenty of body types regardless of your sex, so that’s why designs shouldn’t hold gender stigma…. what I’m trying to say is: one model does not fit all.

  4. Xena, Destroyer of Nations

    This is why I buy graphic tees from the men’s department. Why spend $20 for a paper-thin, skimpy, ugly ladies blouse when I can spend $10 on a decent, comfy, soft cotton tee with something fun on it?

    1. Recovering Soul

      Alice Liddell BMI is not bullshit if they are properly done. Height and weight is not going to give you an accurate assessment. Arnold in his prime would have tested as obese if that were the case. I have a scale that is supposed to put an electric current through my feet to measure fat to muscle. The problem is that I can measure at the same time, and if it thinks I am 20 years old it will give me a BMI of 17 or something, and if it thinks I am 50 it will give me a BMI over 30. I can count my ribs. I have a hard time believing that 1/3 of me is fat. Clearly the scale is using the age you program and not strictly the electric current thing. It is also programmed with height and activity level.

      The only correct way is to find a place that will submerge your body in a tank of water, and see how much water you displace. Then you will know your actual mass., which is how much space you take up. I know people with 6 pack abs who measure as obese at their doctors because muscle weighs more than fat.

  5. Dick Johnson

    to be completely honest, i never understood why mens pants were in actual units of measurement like inches, but women had “size 0s.” Thats arbitrary and makes no godamn sense.
    “Yes, I rather like the way these shoes look, do you have them in a size Banana? No? It’s ok, I can squeeze into a size mason-jar-and-a-half.”

    1. streamoflillies

      Levi’s sells women’s jeans in measurements. And they’re the only jeans I consistently like. Sadly I’m in the largest size they carry in stores, so if I keep gaining weight I won’t be able to buy them anymore. They would be queen if they had bigger pockets

  6. royalnovember66

    What’s one of the worst scams I constantly see? Those TORN denim jeans that they actually sell for 2, 3 times the price of regular, not torn jeans!

    If you want, you could buy a pair of cheap jeans, take pair of scissors and some sandpaper to it, and make a nice tidy profit selling it to a fashionista friend. Seriously, that’s a scam if I ever saw one!

    1. Stuart Harding

      Ya. I have a friend she paid about 80 bucks for a pair of jeans and she looks like a fucking bum. They’re literally destroyed. I wish I had a picture. A bum. No over emphasis at all, a fucking bum.

    2. Amy

      I actually had someone ask me where I got a pair of torn leggings I was wearing, and I had explain that they started out as regular leggings, but were involved in and unpleasant encounter with a large rose bush, and continued to slowly unravel. They were still perfectly functional, so I got a couple more years of use out of them afterwards.

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