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How to hem or shorten a bridal gown from the waist. Tutorial. Bridal Sewing Techniques

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How to hem or shorten a bridal gown from the waist. Wedding gown hemming tips and tricks.

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  1. Kathy Johnson

    I’m this girls daughter and I have always loved designing and when i get older im gonna make a wedding dress shop! Im watching all your videos to learn and im gonna make a dress when the corrona stuff is over! Im gonna be a bride on halloween!!!

  2. The Woof Pack

    This tutorial is a life saver and not to mention money saver! I wanted to temporarily hem a dress for myself but have the option to let the hem out for my daughter for the future. This is just what I needed! Thank you so much!

  3. Bella Capulet

    Due to recently losing my job as a CO. And my health declining I’m going to have to hem and take in a lot of the dress, going from a size 22 to 16…. I’m terrified and the thought of taking a razor to Cassandra (yes I named the dress)
    I’m so afraid. But I know I can do it with my mom’s help. Still. Oh boy

  4. Sue Iverson

    When I first started doing bridal alterations ( was the 80s) this is how almost every gown was hemmed. Now I rarely do it! But my method was always exactly the same as this. Bridal sewing techniques has never steered us wrong that I have seen. Plus I have learned a lot watching! Most of what I know is self taught from experience.

    1. Sue Iverson

      @Bridal Sewing Techniques yes me too that’s how I ended up using the tool for sewing was when I was teaching myself how to reweave. There it was staring at me and I had the tiniest thread to tie off or loose the beads….

  5. Very Clever Girl

    I once did a deep lace app hem at the waist. But the dress was so off at the hemline I had to do up and down at the waist. I pinned it to death and threw it on a mannequin that I had set up beforehand adjusted to her height. It worked but man I didn’t charge enough lol

  6. BRDLY

    Hi, I was wondering how do I get to your official site to sign up for your services of giving advice? I am working on a gown that needs to be shorten at the abdomen, she has a butt with no hips, no stomach and it’s creating a huge void and she’s 5’2.
    I assume I should make a fish eye darts to remove the void and cover it with the top layer of beaded lace. May I have your thoughts? Brdlyla@gmail.com

  7. Hui Shang

    Your videos are great and helpful. I am thinking how to hem a mermaid wedding gown by 5 inch. Do you think if it is OK to hem a mermaid wedding dresses in this way but from the boundary between the puff skirt and lace bodice instead of waist? The dress has a beautiful lace pattern bottom. Thank you 🙂

    1. Bridal Sewing Techniques

      No, I would do the 5″ in front. Then, probs 3″ at the side seams, then taper into the train. It is very rare for a bride to want her train hemmed. I only hem the train upon specific request.

    1. Bridal Sewing Techniques

      Dropped waist wouldn’t change anything. If you do this with a trumpet, it will raise where the flair occurs. I usually only do this with ballgowns that have pleats or a gathered waist. All others seem to fare better with hemming from the bottom.

    1. Golgo 13

      Many wedding dresses have several layers attached to the lining below the natural waist depending on fullness . So you would have the lining and maybe layer of tulle or similar attached at waist to face of skirt but then you would have the crinoline layers at various stages below attached to the lining only maybe be more than one lining so to speak. Where on is against skin but other is used for fullness building. Typically one would be at hip area to open skirt. Anyway when you pull up the waist like she did here your pulling up the outer and lining fabric in one shot which then also pulls up whatever is attached to lining. I did have a situation where I did it just as you described above as time was a major issue but it was only an inch or so because of last minute weather related shoe change lol. I took up top layer at waist but to keep smoothness I lifted the under layer up before the tulle started with a few simple pick up.. one two stitch all around. Still it really is always a gown by gown thing. Some just have lots of seems to.work with and separate pieces coming together while others might be minimal and much more exact.

    2. Bridal Sewing Techniques

      AllSewn Up understood! When it is an A-line, tulle or otherwise, (with no pleats or gathers) you have to re-do the taper from the new waist, down. Otherwise, you are reattaching too big of a “triangle” to the dress, and it won’t lay right. I should do a vid on this, too. Lol!

    3. AllSewn Up

      Thank you. I have only done this a couple times and the last one was all tulle and I only pulled the top layer. It was a nasty little struggle that made me ugly cry so hard that I had to go to my closet and have what I call an old fashion “come to Jesus meeting” with myself Ha! I sometimes with these dress come with a “how to sew me” tag lol! oy vey!

  8. Ladybird

    I presume this sewing technique is done for a gown with a train. If the gown did not have a train, then the waist would have to be taken up from the back as well, which would mean picking out the zip at the lower end and re attaching it with a shorter length.

    1. Ladybird

      Bridal Sewing Techniques
      That’s not what I meant. I know you dont hem up a train, there is no need to because shortening of a hem in this sort of gown only affects the front of the garment. That’s why I know that the video you are showing where you are only taking up the front waist and taping in a little on the side seams is for a gown with a train. Love your 💕videos and your channel thanks 🙏 so much for sharing your knowledge with us.

  9. Sharon T

    I have a VERY full ‘Cinderella,’ as I like to call them, multi-layered gown that needs about 2 inches off the hem…the hem is 4″ horsehair braid. I would think taking it up at the waist would be better, but there’s a beaded waistband (about 1.5″)…. I’m guessing I could just leave the waist band along and lift the skirt part up 2″. She’s OK with having the back longer. Can I just lift the front and blend into the sides? I really don’t want to have to mess with the zipper. OR….is it just easier to hem it from the bottom -horsehair and all?

    1. Sharon T

      Wow! Thank you for your lightning speed response! The skirt is very gathered with all the tulle and layers (like a ball gown – full of crinoline and all). But I think I will just stick to hemming from the bottom as you said. Thank you so much for your response! I really appreciate it! ‘Tis the season, and things are getting busy! Lol!

    2. Bridal Sewing Techniques

      That’s a personal preference. I would personally prefer to hem from the bottom. Although, the less you have to lift it, the easier it is to hem at the waist
      I only choose hemming at the waist if it is a pleated or gathered skirt, too. Those are faster & easier to get right.

    1. Bridal Sewing Techniques

      To maintain the proportion of the original silhouette, yes. But this will cost more, so I let the bride choose. Some brides prefer their dress fuller or they don’t want to pay for the extra change to the skirt.

    2. Bridal Sewing Techniques

      When you take it up that much, you usually have to do it some in the back too. It’s too much to “schmooze” in at the sides. This will require resetting the zipper, etc. :/

    3. Amanda Garrett

      Mother of Groom, another seamstress started the work.. I am finishing it. The waist is marked 6 inches down and now fits her perfect for the hem however I now have to put the skirt back onto the top after adding lining to cover mesh.

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