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Materials for this HOW-TO//
Singer heavy duty sewing machine –
Singer Serger –
Linen pants from target –
Gold Scissors –
Vans Shoes –
Galantis – Runaway (gioni remix)
Legit made me like sewing. Now i cant wait to go back home take some trouserd and f them up ahahaha thaanks
Happy to do so. Happy sewing
bought a sewing machine a couple of minutes ago, dude good results, came out very nice…
lmao i used to think if clothes fit weird, i’d sell or throw em out, now i guess i can just tailor them to my fit.
+GOonTedgi Im happy to hear it man. Fit is everything! Glad to know the video was easy to understand.
I cant believe i watched this entire video knowing i dont have a sewing machine nor any skills. guess i was too interested omg
@Dayan Mullick mark the part you want to sew then give ti to your mum she know how to do it
@Junaid Khan w
Dayan Mullick me too 😂
same here bruh
So its already 2 years now, any good news??
Im buying a sewing machine because of this
Nice video sir
Bought one?
Happy sewing!
Awesome vid and teacher. Small suggestion….if you place the straight pins on the cuff horizontally rather than parallel you can sew over them rather than stop each time to take them out. This could help to keep the stitching in line.
Douglas S hi
You are completely right. bad habits are hard to break
i’m going to buy sewing machine!
Was thinking the same
And you’re gonna regret it soon..🤭🤭
You should.
I m going to buy this man 😂
what type of machine would you recommend?
This is SICK! You keep impressing me more and more with your work! Well done!
@AlisCarnival Haha Thanks man!
Now I want a sewing machine…how did i end up hear i dont know but that was legit and i want to taper some of my pants now
Really helpful vid man, please make more sewing videos because I need to up my sewing game
@austynhernandez You got it man! I will try to do them regularly.
Perfect tutorial ! This is what im looking for 😂
Thank you! Let me know what else you would like to see and I will make a video for it.
Exactly what i was looking for. Now, If I can make it look that easy when i do it!
진짜 유익한것 같아요 . ㅎㅎㅎ
that finished product looked beautiful man! might give this a try
@Victor Becerril Do give it a shot and let me know how it turned out. Good luck man!
love your background music!
Those pants look rad, and linen is a great eco-friendly fabric. Thanks, Tevin.
i really love your videos. ur inspirring me 🙂 so thank you
@Jd Tolentino Thanks man! Im happy to share my tips and tricks. =)
미싱이 없어 수선집에 맡겨야
I’ve watched a lot of sewing videos for beginners and this is by far the best. You don’t use too many jargons and you get straight to the point. Thank you!
Thanks for watching! Let me know if you want to see any specific sewing projects.
I’m going to learn how to sew because of you.
+Tevin Vincent I want to learn how to sew as well
+Jen Smith It’s a great skill to have. Let me know how it goes =)
Amazing job, dude! Looking at the after work of those pants makes me want them so bad.
Thanks man!