Banned: Girls Can’t Wear Yoga Pants to School
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The fashion choice of girls students at a local high school has led to complaints by some students and members of the faculty.
The pants are close-fitting and those raising the concerns argued that they are too revealing.
Those girls were told to change clothes and many did but Legg said seveteen chose not to.
"We ended up in 'in-school' suspension for most of the day and weren't allowed to go to any of our classes," said Legg.
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That’s the only reason I went to school.
Moment of silence for the fellas at that school… 🙁
who cares? schools in england have uniform
That’s stupid
Ala Potato
Most women & girls in uk wear very leggings as normal pants already.
Three headed Rolf so is ur school a private school?
Darude Sandstorm infact my school uses school, uniforms in America
Only khakis and red white and blue shirts guys just have to wear short sleeves girls choose which kind short sleeve or long sleeve
Darude Sandstorm yep. I’m kind of shocked that Americans can wear what ever they like to school.
girls: “like…you know, like because, like uhm , like yeah”
*cuts of fabric at knees*
yoga shorts
Women’s clothing as style changes gets tighter and more revealing. It’s what’s in fashion and the designers don’t care that what they designed is for an adult woman.
The problem is this and I will give an example for the other side to prove it’s validity.
Yoga pants and extreme form fitting around the genitals and the buttocks. Because they are in fashion no one sees anything wrong with them
Now let’s say biker shorts were in fashion for men. Would all you ladies like to see guys junk bunched up on those tight fitting clothing? Some would and it would be extremely distracting for young ladies and female teachers. You would complain like crazy.
School is a learning institution and it’s where you learn things about yourself. Not what’s in style and how can we push the envelope.
@Mourning Star respond coherently
@Josh Mead It’s comfortable. Men being the ones who are dominantly cheaters and get their dicks up for everything that moves is slutty. Not yoga pants. Try again.
Precisionmetalheadx *cough*
It’s slutty.
i love ASSS 🙂
@F-zero91maru hah hell yea
@F-zero91maru stupid pervert
@Tom pervert
me too, many women/girls showing off asses wedgies cameltoes/V shapes, glad it’s a fashion in erotica, they wear them as casual pants, going at restaurants shopping and errands.
well, they are distracting 😉
Yes yoga pants!!!! Yes yoga pants!!!!! Yes keep protesting!!!!!
Bet there’s a lot of extra footage the cameraman kept
Yoga pants: God’s greatest invention.
Yeah! God bless God for that one!!!
Im so glad girls think they’re comfortable .. Haha
im a guy and i wear leggings too, with shorts of course
Man, i went to school in the late 80’s early 90’s…..loose baggy pants, sweaters is pretty much what the ladies wore then….shorts instead of spandex when they played volleyball……
@RollerPigg This is why I’m happy to still be living under the roof of my parents who are thankfully brainy enough to enforce the typical common decency dress code upon me!
@xglitterwitch i know!!! :'( ugh they said they might do that at my school ! i’m soo sad (n)
THANK YOU, funtime!
Yes, I am a dude
Some girls come up with different excuses to keep yoga pants just go ahead and admit they wear yoga pants so they can get attention
They want you to look and call you a perv for looking, it’s a booty trap.
@Sophia’s Restaurant buttcracks don’t match with everything, it just seems that way to the untrained eye.
@Buzz Lightyear if you’re not hot you got to show a lot.
Sophia’s Restaurant
How about gray green or blue leggings any girl/woman wears tight leggings differently as causal
I disagree some people do but honestly black leggings just go with everything so that’s why I wear them also sweatpants kinda do the same thing so…