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The Most Revealing Wedding Dresses | Say Yes To The Dress

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Watch some of the most revealing dresses to ever be featured on Say Yes to the Dress.
Catch Say Yes to the Dress on TLC – Sky 140, Virgin 162, BT TV 323

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    1. Angela Bey Benjamin

      My life is full of happiness since I contacted Dr. Ogbiefun for help when the love of my life broke up with me about 3month ago since I contact Dr. Ogbiefun the real spell caster you can’t believe my lover came back exactly 2day he said and now we are living happily like never before and he is the best and trust spell caster I have ever known and if you are out there having the same similar problem kindly contact him for help
      Call/WhatsApp: +2348102574680 Email: ogbefunhearlingtemple@ gmail. com don’t hesitate to contact him I recommend you to him

    1. Angela Bey Benjamin

      My life is full of happiness since I contacted Dr. Ogbiefun for help when the love of my life broke up with me about 3month ago since I contact Dr. Ogbiefun the real spell caster you can’t believe my lover came back exactly 2day he said and now we are living happily like never before and he is the best and trust spell caster I have ever known and if you are out there having the same similar problem kindly contact him for help
      Call/WhatsApp: +2348102574680 Email: ogbefunhearlingtemple@gmail.com don’t hesitate to contact him I recommend you to him

    1. AnnaTLML lim

      @Sarah girl well I’m just giving my opinion of you based on how you have answered the people before me. And I never said anything about how you looked. I just based my reply on science and the nature of the human body. If you are 12. How your body would look like .
      I said “IF YOU WERE WEARING the dress” in a hypothetical situation. And anyways even in a HYPOTHETICAL SITUATION no person would marry you. Oh yeah I’m not making stuff about you. You just added to my opinion of you being annoying and abnoxious. By answering my comment in a horrible way. So yeah

    2. Sarah girl

      @AnnaTLML lim for one, who the hell said i was getting married? Nobody, for two you know nothing about me you dont know my size, what i look like, etc. So why are you hating on me for things you made up about me to prove yourself to these obnoxious people. Also, obnoxious* and spoiled* even though im neither.

    3. AnnaTLML lim

      @Sarah girl I’m very late… But girl if you’re 12 then first of all why the hell you wearing a wedding dress. Because from the way you have been answering in the comment section. I don’t think any boy in their right mind would marry you . Secondly if you’re twelve I don’t think your body would have been fully developed yet. Yes you may have your period but that doesn’t mean that you are matured. It’s just a step that your body is taking. Thirdly I don’t think the dress would even fit you cause if you are 12 your boobs would not have grown enough.( compared to the “grown” woman in the dress) and well with that attitude you still gonna look like a kid just pretending to know what life and growing up is. Because having you body develop does not mean that you are an adult. You can look like an adult but still act and behave like a spoilt, abnoxious, annoying know it all snotty nosed kid.

    1. Angela Bey Benjamin

      My life is full of happiness since I contacted Dr. Ogbiefun for help when the love of my life broke up with me about 3month ago since I contact Dr. Ogbiefun the real spell caster you can’t believe my lover came back exactly 2day he said and now we are living happily like never before and he is the best and trust spell caster I have ever known and if you are out there having the same similar problem kindly contact him for help
      Call/WhatsApp: +2348102574680 Email: ogbefunhearlingtemple@ gmail. com don’t hesitate to contact him I recommend you to him

    2. Mariana Amor

      @Pheon¡x yeah, it’s similar to if you put a harness on a dog. The clothes are usually just on the top and maybe their belly, so they can still move their legs and move around. The dogs in the video may be trained to sit still. My chihuahua is generally pretty calm and loves to sleep.

    3. Mariana Amor

      @Pheon¡x Easily. I have a chihuahua, and we do have clothes for her. Not quite to that extent, but like she has a dog coat for winter because she gets cold easily and some things like that.

    1. Angela Bey Benjamin

      My life is full of happiness since I contacted Dr. Ogbiefun for help when the love of my life broke up with me about 3month ago since I contact Dr. Ogbiefun the real spell caster you can’t believe my lover came back exactly 2day he said and now we are living happily like never before and he is the best and trust spell caster I have ever known and if you are out there having the same similar problem kindly contact him for help
      Call/WhatsApp: +2348102574680 Email: ogbefunhearlingtemple@ gmail. com don’t hesitate to contact him I recommend you to him

    2. Kloe Taheri

      Alysia Wong i respect ur opinion. but at the same time i wrote that 5 months ago. i’ve learned a lot since then. and i agree with u actually. but i mean come on. she was most likely jealous

    3. Alysia Wong

      You can’t just assume she’s jealous. You’re literally stating that because the girl thought it was stripper like and stated it as so she’s jealous. She might just be being blunt. A lot of times people think that a good friend will be honest. And in her case she did exactly that. However, you could be right. Maybe she was jealous. But you don’t know. So you can’t just straight out say she’s jealous.

    1. human or machine?

      Absolutely, they should wear whatever makes them feel amazing. But I’ll admit it’s strange to me how someone can be shopping for a wedding dress and their first instinct is to wear something sexy and revealing. A wedding isn’t a “sexy” event.

    1. Miss

      @genevieve van I really like it, but it’s definitely quirky! But I like that 😊

      Tbf I don’t really like this entire comment thread… I know it wasn’t a direct insult but calling someone flat chested or flat assed is kinda rude in my opinion… Like even though you’re not directly saying that said thing is bad, it is unnecessarily objectifying, and those terms are commonly used to insult people

      The girl seems absolutely lovely and is prettier than I’ll ever be.

    1. Melody Lawrence

      @unus unus i think that the op meant that if someone has bigger boobs, then they have a more area to cover. The 3rd dress fits the girl well because she is pretty small, so that dress doesn’t looks extremely inappropriate.

    2. Alysia Wong

      Bruh…one of the main differences was that the dress he thought was too much didn’t really cover her breasts (especially the middle of each boob – I’m writing this keeping in mind little children may read this). The blue dress covered her breasts like a bikini so it wasn’t the same amount of revealing.

    1. Angela Bey Benjamin

      My life is full of happiness since I contacted Dr. Ogbiefun for help when the love of my life broke up with me about 3month ago since I contact Dr. Ogbiefun the real spell caster you can’t believe my lover came back exactly 2day he said and now we are living happily like never before and he is the best and trust spell caster I have ever known and if you are out there having the same similar problem kindly contact him for help
      Call/WhatsApp: +2348102574680 Email: ogbefunhearlingtemple@ gmail. com don’t hesitate to contact him I recommend you to him

    1. A. Miller

      I felt really sad for the woman. She liked it and she looked damn good. And when her mom said, “Yeah, but not for your wedding,” I shouted, “Awww THEN WHEN?!!!” Then on top of that, her frenemy looked like a jealous little petty Patty… ☹️☹️☹️

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