Noooooooooooooo Josh why are you telling guys about yoga pants! They’re ours LOL now they’re gonna be even more expensive because y’all gonna want some
How are you not selling out stadiums? (Has to be by choice)
EDIT: well this picked up some traction. All because of 2 Trolls, Shout out to Louis Graham and IAmaPersion
He literally deleted his comments because he knows he was wrong if your going to start a fight with someone don’t delete your comments to show your the good guy am sorry this dumbass was being mean to you guys
When I’m having bad days or I’m bored I binge watch all your videos and I end up laughing so hard I’m in pain. I love you man you’re absolutely amazing!!
Dude, my family’s cat passed away last weekend, and in a bid to make me laugh and distract me, a friend sent me a few of his videos, oh my God I was uplifted almost immediately. Laughter always helps me when stuff is too hard and he’s fucking hilarious
@CybertronianVillian I’m 99% sure they do have men’s yoga pants. But if not you can buy a larger pair of women’s yoga pants. Like it’s just fabric hommie, women wear “men’s” pants and shirts all the fucking time.
Josh wolf is the most talented stand up comedian ever
Yeahhh he’s good but not the best
Ever!!! Pryor Carlin and so many more dead comedians not to mention a few that are still killing it Josh is funny but not legendary yet
You’r wrong even you can be this funny
Try an edible
No Jeff Dunham
Kevin heart
The brown spot on the banana is a real struggle, I rolled on the floooooor
@Raymond Reddington All i see is just a nice complement too😆 People nowadays always make everything weird.. dunno why.
It is what it is.
Red Reddington it’s fine to say that in real life but online with a chubby faced guy with a fedora as a profile pic, well you sound kinda weird
@Raymond Reddington r/niceguys
The reason red reddington did this is because he didn’t see a ring on her finger
Straight up lmfao
I see a Josh wolf video, I click immediately
Yes. The rules are simple
Noooooooooooooo Josh why are you telling guys about yoga pants! They’re ours LOL now they’re gonna be even more expensive because y’all gonna want some
Or cheaper due to economy of scale
I want to say I doubt you’ll ever have to worry about that, but I thought the same thing when women were wearing skinny jeans.
Code Name
I’m guessing:
YO!! Guy pants for sale…..
Ours will come with huge pockets
42 jade So capitalism is sexist… Women do literally anything to play the victim in this world when they actually have it way better than men.
How are you not selling out stadiums? (Has to be by choice)
EDIT: well this picked up some traction. All because of 2 Trolls, Shout out to Louis Graham and IAmaPersion
@jonboi same haha
now i really wanna see IAmaPersion’s comments
He literally deleted his comments because he knows he was wrong if your going to start a fight with someone don’t delete your comments to show your the good guy am sorry this dumbass was being mean to you guys
Don’t forget MyChildishWays
Louis Graham all those people are Z list unfunny Gen X’s
On my way getting yoga pants right now!
@CiCi Q thats a bonus
99% of the would would rather not see your axx & bulge in a pair of yoga pants. Just sayin 🙃
@Nic Lawrenson well my name is actually dominic. since its written with a C I am freakin Nic.E 😉
funny thing is I usually tell the internet my name is Nic Ederson…this google account link just knows I’m lying
Nik McNusson yeah close enough lol
Will Roden Oh hi Will! I guess I’ll have to take you with me
“If my banana is too mushy…”
Wow… now my sister caught me with her yoga pants..
step bro im stuck just got a whole new twist
Are you still paying how much she won’t tell everyone?
Sweet home Alabama
Brown spots on bananas are no joke man, it’s a life or death situation LMAOOO
Its like that one vine “kill somebody, now eat this brown spot on the banana”
The worst is when your almost done with it and the brown spot claims the last bit of the banana.
i’m on the death part
When I’m having bad days or I’m bored I binge watch all your videos and I end up laughing so hard I’m in pain. I love you man you’re absolutely amazing!!
Dude, my family’s cat passed away last weekend, and in a bid to make me laugh and distract me, a friend sent me a few of his videos, oh my God I was uplifted almost immediately. Laughter always helps me when stuff is too hard and he’s fucking hilarious
I will admit that yoga pants thing might be true
@lino no if u wear socks 4Head
@lino u ain’t a real man smh
42 jade “No dude, the crap is homonsexual.”
@lino hahaha done it once when I was like 16 I got paid to do it for Halloween
Man, you gotta put a full set on here Josh. 3:36 just isn’t enough time 😂 cotton blend handjob killed me!
Josh Wolf is one of the best comedians out there and totally dominating the YouTube game most comedians should follow this formula
This guy is not the only man and/or comedian to talk about yoga pants and how comfortable they are. I’m about to buy me a pair dammit!.
Did you like the pants? Or, let’s put it another way,…How many pairs do you own now?
@CybertronianVillian I’m 99% sure they do have men’s yoga pants. But if not you can buy a larger pair of women’s yoga pants. Like it’s just fabric hommie, women wear “men’s” pants and shirts all the fucking time.
Meh Nobody did you buy a pair?
@Adam J Smith Tim Hawkins made a whole song!
One Eyed Penguin How?They don’t make them for men.
Omg! Josh is hilarious LMAO! And yes, i do wanna try on yoga pants
David Gorelle I’m telling you bro, he wasn’t lying
I wish I could smoke with Josh that would make my whole year👌
Unicorn pant wtf??
*Noice free pleasure*
That movie is loosely based on a real guy..
The actor is vegetarian but ate the heart for the movie
Uh. Pretty sure they didn’t use a real heart
Leo DeCaprio is vegetarian?
Best comedian. The banana thing had me crying.